Explore the Benefits You Get From Our Services

Are you looking for reliable professionals to watch your home while you're away? Well, you are just where you need to be. We aim to offer peace of mind by assuring you that your home is secure and maintained. We are there to spot and respond to any issues that may occur, including but not limited to the following:

  • Insect Inspection
  • Irrigation Systems
  • Appliance Checks
  • Water Connection Checks
  • Smoke Alarm and Camera Battery Changes
  • Forced Entry Check
  • Removal of Signs of Absenteeism
SASQ-WATCH Home Services

How It Helps You

We take away your worries of an absentee homeowner and the concerns of your home while you are away. We work to intercept problems before they become catastrophic and expensive. And prepare your home for your ultimate enjoyment. 
For further information, please feel free to contact us.

See the Difference Our Work Makes